Detox Parlour: I Survived a 10-Day Detox (TWICE!!) & Lost 6 Kilos!

I wasn’t feeling myself.

My mood was rather down. I was aware of my bad habits and it was time to change my routine.

I didn’t join a gym *at least not yet*

I’m not a huge fan of tiny, crowded, and sweat-infested gyms. I do like to walk… outdoors.

Walking is refreshing and helps de-stress especially outside with cleaner oxygen. So that’s what I did – I walked. I won’t lie and say I walked daily, although I would have liked to. However, I did make sure to walk at least 3 times a week.

As for changing my diet routine, obviously, sugar was the first thing to go.

So why not start with a detox to cleanse the body?

I opted for a detox with more solid foods, because full-on juice detoxes give me migraines and make me crangry (cranky + angry – idk, it’s one of those new millennial jargon).

So for the first 3 days of my detox with Detox Parlour, I would have a morning snack and soup for lunch instead of 3 juices. The subsequent 7 days will consist of meal plans customized to my diet preferences and (numerous) intolerances.

The Detox Parlour program is super flexible and your daily menu is tailored to YOU. I appreciated their method as most other local programs offering ready-to-eat packages have a set menu that you need to choose from.

Detox Parlour Beirut Lebanon Juice Cleanse

I started at 66.6 kg.

Many of the juices were delicious and refreshing! My favourite has to be the Peanut Butter and Chocolate shake made with hazelnut milk, almond milk, peanut butter, and carob powder. All ingredients are listed on every juice bottle!

Detox Parlour Meal Plan Beirut Lebanon

Detox Parlour Diet Review Lebanon Blog

One of my favourite parts of the Detox Parlour 10-day cleanse were all the soups I got to try!

Healthy Juice Cleanse in Lebanon Soup

Also, the GRANOLA!

Healthy Homemade Granola Lebanon Detox Parlour

The kitchen at Detox Parlour is purely vegan – check out this fantastic Portobello Mushroom “Steak” with Moutabbal, for instance.

Detox Parlour Diet Review Lebanon Beirut

I went down to 63.5 kg. Clearly I would have lost more weight if I had done the program with the first few days of pure juicing. However, I didn’t mind 3 kilos in just 10 days!

I was feeling great!

Snack Detox Parlour Vegan Food Beirut

Detox Parlour Diet Review Lebanon Blogger

I did this 10-day detox program AGAIN with Detox Parlour 2 months later!

I started as 64.4 kg this time around. I had just come back from my 10-day holiday in France and, of course, I gained a kilo there.

The second time around with Detox Parlour was WAY – and I mean WAAAY – easier. It’s also much easier in summer because of the scorching heat and humidity in Lebanon. Summer = smaller appetite, at least for me.

I did one pure juicing day this time, and it went surprisingly well.

Healthy Juice Cleanse Diet Beirut Lebanon

Wanna know the best part about this detox program?

You don’t gain the weight back. Obviously, you need to take care once you’re done to not overeat and sink back into your bad habits 😉

I highly recommend Detox Parlour. I would do it once every few months and enjoy the food, results, and overall experience every time!

Saydet Nourieh Detox Parlour Juice Cleanse


More Info about the 10 Day Plan at Detox Parlour

detox parlour juice cleanse lebanon beirut

Price: 10 Days at 250 USD

Contact: +961-81-277350

For more info, follow Detox Parlour on Facebook / Instagram and check out their website.

Unless otherwise noted, all posted content and photographs are owned exclusively by me. None of the content / photographs may be reproduced, modified, recirculated, commercially exploited or reused in any form whatsoever without my prior written consent.

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